
To see a slide show and to learn about the uses of this cream, please go to the Learn about Hypericum Calendula Cream and the Learn about Calendula Officinalis Cream pages, as this cream is a combination of these two creams.
Ingredients in the cream: 12.5% Hypericum perforatum and Calendula officinalis tincture HPUS in an emulsified base of Distilled Water, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Vegetable Emulsifying Wax, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol and Borax.
Label indications: For painful wound, wounds to areas rich in nerves, cuts, and scrapes.
This cream combines Hypericum perforatum with Calendula officinalis to create a beautiful cream for wound healing and painful wounds.
The Calendula componenet is good for general wound healing, infected wounds, painful wounds, and promotes healthy granulation of tissue. It brings soothing relief after childbrith, and for inflamed skin conditions.
The Hyperidum perforatum componenet has a special affinity for injuries to areas rich in nerves, such as the fingertips, toes, spine, and forneck and head injuries.
The guiding symptom of Hypericum is that the pain has extension from the injured area. For example, if you injure your midback from carrying something too heavy, you may have pain in the low back, the upper upper, the neck, down the arms and so forth. There is nerve involvement and the pain doesn’t just sit in one spot.
D –
This stuff says for cuts and scrapes but it did appear to heal a strange growth on my dad’s back.
Diane Gore-Uecker –
I use this cream on my feet for the pain and discomfort of Peripheral Neuropathy and just recently Plantar Fasciitis. It definitely brings comfort to the feet, making it easier to walk. There is more flexibility to the feet after I massage the feet with this cream and I am very grateful to have it. I alternate this cream with a CBD1000 cream twice a day.
Toni –
After 3-4 days of applying the Hypericum Calendula cream along my mastectomy scars and above them into the numb area, the centers of my scar areas were no longer hard or numb. The numbness seemed to move up a little.
Half way through the jar, I checked my entire chest. There is only about half as much numbness as there was before. That feels like great progress. Thanks for this wonderful Unscented cream!