The creams we make are helpful for so many different situations and for people of all ages. Here is a list of uses of these first aid creams for massage therapists and chiropractors.
First Aid Creams for Massage Therapists and Chiropractors
Arnica Montana Cream: This first aid cream is a great cream for people who have been injured in an accident. It is the first remedy to think of for trauma. Arnica helps with bruising, sore and aching muscles, back injuries, head injuries, and sprains of joint. Arnica relieves the swelling and inflammation from traumatic injuries, and stops external and internal blleeding. You have to remember never to use Arnica on an open wound. A symptom that helps guide to its use is that they complain the bed feels hard. Please watch this slide show to learn more about Arnica montana:
Calendula Officinalis Cream: Calendula is the principal remedy in homeopathy for wound healing, and the cream makes the perfect covering for wounds. Calendula helps promote scarless healing by inhibiting too early granulation of the wounded tissue. Calendula is very soothing for eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. Please watch the slde show to learn more about the properties of our beloved Calendula Officinalis:
Hypericum Perforatum Cream: Hypericum is the remedy and cream we think of for wounds to areas rich in nerves, like the spinal cord, fingers and toes, and for very painful wounds. It is almost a specific for injuries to the coccyx. The big guiding symptoms to its use are the location of the injury and the fact that the pain radiates or extends up and down from the site of the injury, following the course of the nerves. It works quickly and miraculously to relieve pain in these situations. Here is a link to the slide show for Hypericum Perforatum:
Ledum Palustre Cream: Ledum is the main remedy we use in homeopathy for puncture wounds and insect bites. An important guiding symptom to its use is that the injured area is ameliorated by cold applications. Another guiding symptom is that in arthritic conditions the pain begins in the extremities and extends upward. You can learn more about this remedy by watching the slide show on the website. Here is the link:
Ruta Graveolens Cream: This is a remedy that has wonderful application in sports injuries. It is an important remedy for injuries to ligaments, tendons and the periosteum or lining of the bones. Think of this cream for pain and bruising in the bones. You will be amazed at how quickly it helps with muscle pulls and strains, and from injuries from twisting the parts. It is wonderful for thigh injuries, and ankle and knee injuries where the ligaments and tendons are pulled or torn. Here is a link to the slide show for Ruta Graveolens:
Urtica Urens Cream: This is a cream you do not want to be without when you need it. It is a miracle worker when it comes to first degree burns. It will work like nothing else to relieve the pain and heal the tissues. It will also help with old burns that have never healed well. For second and third degree burns you can take an oral dose of this remedy, or consider Cantharis, Arsenicum album or Causticum. Urtica Urens also has a reputation for helping lactating women increase milk production. Here is a link to the slide show for Urtica Urens:
Homeopathy and Back Pain
There are several remedies and creams that can help with back pain due to trauma to the back or spine, such as Hypericum, which is known for spinal cord injuries, and Arnica, which is good for muscular soreness and trauma. Ruta is another wonderful remedy for back pain and pain after chiropractic adjustments. Rhus toxicodendron is a remedy not to be forgotten for trauma to the back, particularly where the muscles tighten or seize up to protect the injured area. If you are dealing with chronic back pain, please consult your homeopath to find a constitutional remedy to help you with this condition, and don’t forget to visit your chiropractor, physical therapist or doctor. Here is a link to the back pain section in the Creams for Common Complaints area on my website:
These first aid creams for massage therapists and chiropractors are not greasy, they absorb quickly, and would be an obvious boon in the practices of body workers and other heath professionals.