Questions and Answers about Homeopathy and First Aid Creams
Dear Lovers of Homeopathy,
I frequently receive questions from people who are interested in my creams. I thought it might be helpful to others if I posted these questions and answers. Perhaps these questions and answers will help you in understanding homeopathy, and homeopathic first aid treatment. I will post a few of these at a time.
Questions and Answers 1: If Symptoms are Better Should You Continue Using the Cream?
Dear Ms. Deborah
I recently bought Ruta graveolens cream from your company and I’ve been using it for a while now. As the instruction for application on the provided leaflets says, I have had my knee aggravated in the past week, and now I’m feeling much better. When I sensed an aggravation, I paused from the application, I wish to know, now that I’m feeling much better, should I resume application of the cream or not?
Yours sincerely
Dear Marilyn,
Thank you very much for writing with your question. I am happy to hear that the Ruta graveolens cream has been helpful.
Since your knee is feeling better, you do not need to apply any more of the cream. You would only apply more cream if after the knee had been better for a period of time, you noticed that it was getting worse again. Since the knee is still better, you should not apply more of the cream.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 2: Pain in the Feet and Hammertoe
Dear Deborah,
My medical intuitive highly recommended your Hypericum perforatum product both in cream and pellet form for my foot pain. I have a problem hammertoe on my right foot, the second toe, and the third toe is now turning sideways and getting underneath the second toe. I also have neuropathy in many areas of both feet. That’s the history, but most recently I developed an excruciating corn under the bottom of the second toe. I do wear orthotics which give some mechanical support, but in my efforts to get rid of the corn I seem to have burned the area with the Dr. Scholl’s corn removal pads. It is extremely painful now and had been for several weeks (before the Dr. Scholl’s product) as it took awhile to figure out there was a corn underneath an already painful area.
So, I am wondering if there is anything else you would recommend for this situation.
Dear Samantha,
Thank you for your inquiry about creams for nerve pain in the feet.
In my materia medica search program there are 38 remedies listed under neuralgia of the feet, and fifteen remedies listed under nerve pain in the feet. Almost all of these are homeopathic constitutional remedies.
Hypericum perforatum is listed under nerve pain in the feet and in the legs. This is a remedy one would use for an injury or wound to the feet or toes (areas rich in nerves). If the cause of the pain is a first aid situation, this cream would be great. If the cause is a constitutional or systemic issue the cream may be palliative or may not help.
I hope I have given you an accurate an answer. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I wish you health and happiness.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 3: What do you Suggest for Psoriasis?
Dear Deborah,
Please let me know what you suggest for psoriasis?
Warm regards,
Dear Pamella,
Thank you very much for writing. In homeopathy psoriasis is regarded as a constitutional issue that would benefit from homeopathic constitutional treatment.
The only cream that I carry that may be helpful to palliate, and discourage infection is Calendula officinalis cream. It would not be likely that this would be curative, but it could be helpful.
Good luck with treating the psoriasis.
Best Regards,
Questions and Answers 4: Would Urtica urens cream help with peeling cracked hot fingertips?
Dear Deborah
My daughter’s piano teacher… gave me your details. my 8 year old daughter has peeling cracked hot finger tips and her piano teacher suggested I try the Urtica urens cream, do you think this would be the best choice and do i just order on your website.
Dear Soheila,
I looked up the symptoms you mentioned: Peeling, cracked, hot finger tips in my materia medica search program. I use Synergy Homeopathic Software, formerly Kent Homeopathic Associates
Here is a list of remedies where these symptoms were listed. These are constitutional homeopathic remedies, so I would recommend that you consult with a homeopath to find the best constitutional remedy for your daughter, and get guidance on how to administer it and potency selection:
Silica terra
Mercurius vivus
Ammonium muriaticum
Magnesium phosphoricum
Natrum muriaticum
Rhus toxicodendron
Rhus venenata
The only correspondence Urtica urens had was the heat in the fingers, and that is because it causes and cures general burning sensations.
I do not feel that any of the creams I sell would be appropriate for your daughter. I wish you all the best.
Best Regards,
Questions and Answers 5: Are C potencies Higher or M potencies Higher?

Dear Deborah,
I would like to know if the potency C is higher or m. I have purchased Ruta 1M tincture and took 5 drops in 100 ml of water but l did not find much relief l also took Arnica of the same potency the same way. l think it gave me a stomach
problems since l already have a very delicate stomach.
Dear Shalini,
The potency C is lower than the potency M.
C stands for 1 in 100 dilution ratio.
M stands for 1 in 1000 dilution ratio. The higher the dilution ratio, the stronger the remedy.
The tincture is the original extract from the plant, which is not potentized, so it is the weaker of them all.
I would recommend not self prescribing homeopathic remedies, because they are very powerful. For example a single one time dose of a 200C strength of a remedy lasts six months to several years, so you have to select the remedy very carefully, and not repeat it, unless carefully supervised.
There is a link on this website to directories of homeopaths. This is a good resource to find a homeopath close to home, or one that you resonate with.
Best Regards,
Deborah Olenev
Questions and Answers 6: What is the Shelf Life of the First Aid Creams?
Hello Deborah:
Can you please tell me if there is a shelf life for your first aid creams. I have purchased two types of creams from you am am unsure if they spoil or if the potency changes over time. Thanks for your assistance.
Dear Bonnie,
Thank you for your question. The shelf life of the tincture in the creams is five years, based on the information I have received from my suppliers. There is alcohol in the tinctures, which aids in preservation, but we also add a preservative formula called Optiphen. The ingredients in Optiphen are phenoxyethanol and caprylyl gycol. I wish, like most people, that we did not have to put a chemical preservative in the creams, but since the creams are formulated with water, a preservative is necessary. The preservative may actually extend the shelf life beyond five years. Nonetheless, if you have not completed a jar after five years, it may be time to get a new one. The creams are stable and the potency should not diminish over time. I hope that the creams work very well for you.
Best Regards,
Questions and Answers 7: Which cream would be helpful for nerve damage to the left leg and foot caused by back surgery?
Dear Deborah,
Which cream would be helpful for nerve damage to the left leg and foot caused by back surgery and cervical facet arthritis with nerve pain.
Dear Jack,
The cream that I would suggest trying first is the Hypericum perforatum cream, as this is good for injuries to areas rich in nerves. One of the indicators that Hypericum could be good is that you injured yourself in the back, and the pain extends down into the foot. That extension along the course of the nerves is highly indicative of Hypericum perforatum.
If you try the cream, and you get benefit but it does not heal deeply enough, you may want to then consider taking the remedy in potency. You can send me an e-mail if you want to do that, and I can explain how.
I enclose a sheet in with the creams that explains how often to use them. Please read that sheet. Good Luck. I hope the cream helps you.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 8: What are the remedies you recommend for knee surgery?
Dear Abigail,
Thank you for your comment about remedies for knee surgery. What I do for some people is prepare a surgery recover packet. I vary the packet according to where the surgery is being done. Here is a sample of a surgery packet and the instructions I would give along with the packet. I hope this will be helpful for you:
These are the instructions I gave to a woman who was having knee replacement surgery about three years ago.
I recommend a series of remedies that help with various things, such as the trauma to the body, bruising, swelling, pain, infection prevention, and wound healing. Here are the instructions for taking these remedies:
1) Take all the pellets in the envelope marked Arnica 200C two days before the surgery. (Some homeopaths believe it is better taken after than before the surgery. You can decide what you would rather do). The instructions on how to take the dry dose of the pellets is below. Arnica helps with swelling, pain, bruising and shock. A big indication for Arnica is sensitivity to touch and a feeling that the bed is too hard.
2) If the Arnica has helped, then you do not need to proceed to step 2. If it has not helped sufficiently and you are still in a lot of discomfort following the surgery, then take the pellets in the envelope marked Hypericum200C. Hypericum is excellent for helping with injury to nerve tissue. Hypericum is indicated when you experiencing shooting pains from the site of the incision.
3) If you are still in pain three to four hours after the Hypericum, then take a dose of Ledum 30C. Ledum is good for puncture wounds. The keynote indication for Ledum is amelioration from ice, so if ice reduces the pain, then Ledum should be tremendously beneficial.
4) If the Ledum has helped you do not need to proceed to the further steps. If, however, after fours hour you are still in pain, then please take a dose of Staphysagria 30C. Staphysagria is known as the surgeon’s friend in homeopathy. It is for pain in the site of the incision itself. Usually when this remedy is indicated you may be having some feelings of anger and irritability.
5) If the Staphysagria has helped and you are no longer in pain, you do not need to proceed to the next remedy. If, however, you still have pain, please take a dose of Symphytum 30C. Symphytum is for injury and trauma to bones.
6) The next remedy on the list is Ruta 30C. Ruta is for injury to ligaments, tendons and the lining of the bones.
7) The next remedy is Phosphorous 30C. This remedy is for ill effects from anesthesia. You may take this remedy earlier if you experience nausea fron the anesthesia, or any other uncomfortable effects from the anesthesia. You do not have to follow the sequenc e that I am enumerating over here.
8) The last remedy is Calendula 200C. Calendula is good for wound healing and to prevent infection. When you are not having issues with pain, I would like you to take this remedy, so we make sure that everything heals well.
Here are the instructions for taking dry doses of the remedy:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve 2 pellets of the remedy in 2 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. Each time you take a remedy the cycling process gets easier, but I wanted to make you aware that this is a normal process after taking a remedy.
I hope this information is helpful. If you would like me to prepare a surgery packet for you, the fee for that is $100.00. I would need to talk to you on the phone or on Skype beforehand to understand what the procedure is. I wish you prompt healing from your surgery.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 9: What is a good cream for pain in the low back and legs?
Good Morning,
My husband has bone spurs on both shoulders and suffers with tremendous pain. He has had cortisone injections, which offer some relief, but seem to wear off quickly.
We purchased the Ruta Graveolens Cream from you and it’s unbelievable how well it works! So well, he may not consider any more cortisone injections.
He has also had 4 lower back surgeries and suffers with pain in his lower back, hips, legs and especially feet (cramping).
He tried the Ruta Graveolens for these symptoms, but it did not work. What cream do you recommend?
Thank you,
Dear Lucy,
Thank you very much for writing and letting me know that the Ruta cream helped your husband with the bone spurs in his shoulders. That is wonderful.
As far as the pain in the low back, legs and feet, I would have to know more information before I could make a recommendation. Also it is possible and more likely that what he needs is a constitutional homeopathic remedy, because so many areas of his body are affected.
I am a homeopath, but I also have a link on the First Aid Creams Website to directories where you can find a homeopath. Here is a link to that page:
Another good resource is the Creams for Common Complaints Section on my website, where your husband can look at the description of the type of back pain that each cream I carry is good for, and see whether one of them matches his symptoms. Here is the link to that page:
I wish you and your husband all the best.
In love and service,
Questions and and Answers 10: Does Homeopathy offer treatment for Dupuytren’s Contractures?
Dear Deborah,
Please tell me what has been in the historical literature or present day literature concerning Dupuytrens Contracure and alternative creams, oils, or homeopathic remedies. I have been successfully treating my right hand for carpal tunnel and a strain resulting from lifting someone, but Dupuytrens has been emerging for some time and now I really want to focus on ridding myself of that. I now want to find a way to eliminate the Dupuytrens nodules and the cords (that are in a beginning stage).
Dear Mathilda,
Thank you for writing to me about treatment for Dupuytren’s Contracture. I helped a man with this using Ruta graveolens 200C. This is a medium potency homeopathic remedy. He received his remedy on 8/15/14, and then he wrote me on 2/19/15 and this is what he said,
“The cyst-like thing I had on my left hand at the base of the ring finger has pretty much started to disappear. I first noticed about a week or so ago that the big bulge that wouldn’t move was much smaller and now moving around. And, right now it feels even smaller and easily moves around the area.”
So it took about 8 months for the Dupuytren’s contracture to improve, but it eventually did get better. I have a cream made from Ruta graveolens. The cream will not be as strong as taking the potentized remedy, but it should do good work as well.
If you are interested in taking the potentized remedy, Here are the instructions on taking the potentized remedy. You should not repeat the remedy. A single dose of Ruta graveolens 200C holds for eight months on average, and should not be repeated unless it has helped for a long period of time, and then you observe a relapse of symptoms lasting two to three weeks:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve 6 pellets of Ruta graveolens 200C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. Each time you take a remedy the cycling process gets easier, but I wanted to make you aware that this is a normal process after taking a remedy.
You mentioned that you had a history of carpal tunnel. Ruta graveolens is also a great remedy for this.
I wish you all the best,
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 11: Can you recommend a sunscreen?
Hi Deborah,
Ive ordered cream from you before— I have a question— I am a cancer patient and need a recommendation for a sunscreen –can you recommend a cream and a body cream and face cream—Ive been using coconut oil and Shea butter whipped into a cream.
Dear Janis,
Your question about sunscreens is a good one. I have been researching this on line, searching for a non-chemical natural sunscreen.
What I have so far is that Red Raspberry Oil may be a good solution. It has an SPF of 28, if my memory serves me. I bought some on line and have been using it for a few weeks, but I minimize my sun exposure, though everyone says it is important to get some sun exposure daily for the Vitamin D. I am also trying to eat Vitamin D rich foods, like mushrooms.
Another oil that could be helpful is Hemp Oil. This only has an SPF of 7, but it is good to apply to your skin after you have had sun exposure.
As far as the first aid creams go, Urtica urens creams is good if you have had a sun burn, as this is a wonderful cream for burns in general. I would even think of using it for radiation burns. Calendula officinalis cream can also be soothing and healing for a sunburn, but it is not a sunscreen.
I hope this information will be useful for you, and I wish you all the best.
In love and service,
Question and Answers 12: Do any of the first aid creams help with shingles?
Hi Deborah
I just heard that my elderly mother had a bout of shingles. She said “I
still have some damaged nerve- ending pain”.
My elderly cousin also had this on her back and mentioned her back still
hurts also.
Do you think any of your creams would relieve this pain?
Thanks for your help.
We are still using your wonderful creams. In fact yesterday morning my
husband cut the flare of his nostril while shaving. The bleeding would
not stop for quite a while. I gave him the cream for cuts and it
stopped the bleeding immediately and he is fine now. No infection or
Much love,
Dear Dora,
It is good to hear from you. I looked in my computer materia medica search program to see if any of the first aid creams are listed for shingles. Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, and Ruta are mentioned as antishingles remedies, so they may help.
Another remedy that is listed highly for this is Rhus toxicodendron or poison ivy. I do not make a Rhus tox cream, but you can search on the internet for people who do. I know Nelson’s has a Rhus tox cream.
Of the creams I carry, I would probably try the Hypericum perforatum cream first, because it is so helpful for injured nerves, or you can try the Hypericum Calendula cream, so you get both remedies in the cream.
Please let me know if these help your relatives. I am happy that the creams are continuing to help your family. I wish you all the best.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 13: Is there help in homeopathy for poison ivy?
Suggestions for poison ivy?
Dear Harry,
It is possible that Rhus tox will help cure your poison ivy rash, but I cannot say that with any assurance without having taken your case. There are 90 remedies listed for poison ivy or poison oak. Rhus tox leads the list. Croton tiglium is another remedy with a big reputation for helping with poison ivy. The best thing to do would be to consult with a homeopath who can look at your case as a whole, and get concomitant symptoms that will help determine, which remedy is best.
One of the first aid creams that I sell has a reasonable showing amongst the 90 remedies listed for poison ivy: Ledum palustre cream.
If you decide that you would like to try the Rhus tox, I would recommend taking it in a low potency like a single dose of Rhus tox 12C and see how you respond to it. A single dose of a 12C strength remedy holds for three weeks on average. Here are the instructions for taking the remedy:
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve 2 pellets of Rhus tox 12C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first three weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. With homeopathy symptoms often intensify before they get better. That intensification is a good thing, as it shows you that the remedy has located what it needs to work on and is addressing the symptoms. Once that intensification passes, the symptoms should get better soon.
If you need to take another dose of the remedy after three weeks, increase the amount of water by 2 oz. and prepare it in a glass jar that you can succuss. It is important to alter the remedy slightly each time you repeat.
I hope this information is helpful.
In love and service,
Questions and Answers 14: Hypericum perforatum for a cut finger?
Dear Deborah,
The reason I am writing you is to describe my condition so you can advise if it might be more germane to take some other medicine orally while applying this cream topically.
While drawing out a slippery avocado pit, I cut myself with a knife at the second knuckle joint slightly across from the first proximal digit close on the palmar side. The finger bled for about 5 minutes and swelled up and I lightly bandaged it after applying antiseptic cream (kept using Calendula alternately with Framecytin). After a couple of days, I noticed numbness (lack of sensation – I could feel pressure but not texture of say cloth / wood) on the cut side of the finger from the wound site up. I imagined it to be some nerve damage but was encouraged by tingling. It’s been about 4 weeks since I cut my hand and numbness persists. I don’t know if the swelling has pinched a nerve or if the digital nerve was severed but the doctors won’t do surgery. I would be grateful if you could see attached photos and advise.
I mainly bought the cream to help alleviate swelling and numbness, but if there’s anything else with regard to homeopathy that I can do, I would.
Many thanks in appreciation!
Dear Nadine,
I am very sorry about your knife cut. What I recommend is taking a dose of Hypericum perforatum 30C orally, as well as applying the cream to the finger. You should not need to repeat the remedy. What I would like you to do is take one dose and stop. A single dose of a 30C strength remedy should hold about three months on average in chronic conditions, and in acute conditions it should be able to cure. You would only repeat if the symptoms that got better started to come back. For example if the numbness improved, but then returned four or five months later, then you could repeat the remedy: Here are the instructions for taking a dose of Hypericum perforatum 30C orally.
Instructions for Taking the First Dose of a New Remedy
1) Dissolve 2 pellets of Hypericum perforatum 30C in 4 oz. of water in a small cup. You can use a disposable cup if you wish.
2) Once the remedy has thoroughly dissolved in the water, please stir it well.
3) Drink 3 tablespoons of the liquid. Hold the liquid in your mouth for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing each sip. You may drink regular water after that if you would like. Please do not eat an hour before or after taking the remedy.
4) You can also take the dose by olfaction, which would be to breathe over the cup for one minute.
5) Discard the remainder of the liquid on the ground outside, and clean or dispose of the cup carefully, so as not to expose anyone else in the household to the medicine.
You may experience a time in the first three weeks after taking the remedy when your symptoms might be up and down. This is the remedy cycling through your repertoire of symptoms and looking for what it needs to work on. With homeopathy symptoms often intensify before they get better. That intensification is a good thing, as it shows you that the remedy has located what it needs to work on and is addressing the symptoms. Once that intensification passes, the symptoms should get better soon. Each time you take a remedy the cycling process gets easier, but I wanted to make you aware that this is a normal process after taking a remedy. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the initial reaction period.
As far as the cream goes, it can also cure the finger on its own, but the potentized remedy is much stronger, so it may be good to work with them together. You also need to be careful about repetition with the cream. The rule I like to follow is that you should discontinue using the cream if you feel a strong amelioration or a strong aggravation. Both of these indicate that the cream is working and that you should stop applying it and wait. I describe this better on the yellow sheet that I enclosed with your cream.
Warm regards,
Part 2 of Question about Finger Cut
Dear Deborah,
Thanks for your response, and please feel free to use the question and answer for your newsletter.
For the potentized medication, does the water need to be lukewarm/room temperature?
Also, one further clarification on the cream: I have applied it a couple of times since yesterday and like you mentioned the symptoms have been up and down. After the initial application there was greater tingling in the previously numb area, even though the swelling around the cut has persisted. There is a certain tightness that I feel in the finger with a tingle around the tip when I straighten or curl it. In this situation, would you advise continuous application of the cream and if so, how often. Of course, I will look out for significant amelioration/aggravation to stop use.
Part 2 Answer:
Dear Nadine,
I usually use room temperature water when preparing the remedy. It may take five minutes or more for the remedy to completely dissolve in the water.
It is not the easiest thing to determine when to pause from the cream. It sounds like you had felt increased tingling after applying the cream to the previously numb area. That sounds very good to me. What I would recommend doing is stopping applying the cream for now and observing what happens over the next two or three days.
The purpose of the cream or remedy is to set a healing process in motion. Once you know that a reaction has happened then you should stop and observe. An analogy would be turning on the light switch. You do not need to flick the flight switch up and down to keep the light going. This is the same with homeopathic remedies.
When you interrupt an active dose of the cream or remedy by too frequent repetition, you actually slow the healing process down, because you are keeping yourself in reactive mode.
In summary, please stop and observe for two or three days. If noticeably better at the end of that time, then do not repeat. You also may not need to take the oral dose of the Hypericum 30C, if the cream is helping sufficiently.
Thank you for giving me permission to use your question in a newsletter. Good luck.
In love and service,