Where we sell eight homeopathic first aid creams:
Arnica Montana Cream
Calendula Officinalis Cream
Calendula Officinalis Butter
Hypericum Calendula Cream
Hypericum Perforatum Cream
Ledum Palustre Cream
Ruta Graveolens Cream
Urtica Urens Cream
The First Aid Creams Travel Pack and Booklet
Please see the Creams for Common Complaints section where you can research your complaints and find a cream that sounds like it can work for you.
You can read about the creams and watch colorful slide shows at the Learn About the Creams section.
Please click the Buy Homeopathic Creams on the top or the side bar to purchase creams. You get discounts for purchasing the creams in bulk quantities.
Our goal has been to use the finest quality organic herbal tinctures on the market for our products, and to have the fewest possible ingredients in the cream base to keep it as pure as possible.
We have introduced a new product the First Aid Creams Travel Pack with Booklet and Repertory. This is a convenient pack you can take with you anywhere, and it is a good introduction to the first aid creams.
If you have a clinic or a store and wish to carry our products, we encourage you to purchase the assorted 24 pack, where you get a 20% discount off of the sale price of a single cream. You can chose any assortment of the creams that you want.
We welcome your testimonials and feed back on our creams.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
First – the first thing you go to in an emergency situation.
Aid – Get help for the specific situation you have. Bruises, cuts and scrapes, diaper rashes, insect bites, burns, joint injuries, back pain and way more.
Cream – Non greasy, soothing, base cream with minimum extraneous ingredients.
Company -We are a small family based company that makes these creams by hand and with love.
Altogether: First Aid Creams Company stands for: Creams to turn to for immediate help in a first aid or emergency situation.
The meaning of our logo: Homeopathy for Health
The logo represents that our creams should be selected on homeopathic principles, meaning that you match the symptoms of your complaint to a cream that helps with that specific complaint. Homeopathy is about matching the symptoms of the healing substance to your symptoms. A resonance occurs, and by a miracle that I cannot explain, the sensation of the pain disappears.
Health – this is the goal of our company, to spread good health, just as we spread the healing creams on our body and experience our symptoms being relieved, and our health improving.
Why we put our creams in glass jars and not plastic: We use glass jars, which are more expensive than plastic jars, because we care about your health and the environment. Plastic jars contain phthalates, a substance that is used to make plastic harder or softer. The problem with this is that it is an endocrine disruptor. It exposes people to Xenoestrogens, which are harmful for both men and women.
The creams use single active ingredients, except for the Hypericum Calendula cream, which uses two active wound healing ingredients. We do this to follow the principles of classical homeopathy, which teach us to use one remedy at a time, that is selected based on the similarity of the healing substance to the ailment of the patient.
Our creams are the principal first aid remedies in homeopathy.
Who We Are
This business was started by Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA), a homeopath with forty years of experience in homeopathy. This company was conceived in 2000 and has been maturing for many years.
The creams are manufactured by Donna Lang, who has been making creams for more than thirty years. She is a master at it, and does her work with love and great care, following all best manufacturing practices.
The marketing department is Nastassia Olenev CCH, Deborah’s daughter, who is also a homeopath.
The shipping department are Deborah’s sons, Andrei and Abraham.
We weren’t kidding when we said we are a family owned and run business.