We sell homeopathic creams for tendon and ligament injuries on our site: Arnica, Calendula and Ruta can all help with this type of injury, though Ruta is the most important one for injuries to these parts. Two other remedies that I do not sell, but are worth mentioning are Rhus toxicodendron and Symphytum.
Arnica is mentioned for injured and inflamed tendons, and tendonitis and synovitis from an injury. Arnica is our big remedy for shock and trauma, and helps reduce bleeding from an injury. Arnica should never be applied to an open wound. In this case take Arnica internally and dress the wound with Calendula.
Calendula is our great wound healer, and it can help with wounds that involve muscles, tendons and joints. It can help with rupture of muscles and tendons.
Rhus toxicodendron is a remedy I do not carry, but is an important remedy for injuries to the muscles, ligaments and tendons, especially when the injuries arise from “mis-steps, twists, or efforts made in an unusual posture.” It is a great remedy for strains. The chief Rhus tox indications are restlessness, aggravation from initial motion, amelioration from warmth and from stretching. Rhus tox is a great remedy for hip injuries.
Ruta graveolens is the best known homeopathic remedy for injuries to ligaments, tendons and the periosteum or the lining of the bones. It is a great remedy for overexertion or overuse injuries, such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome, and for eyestrain. Ruta helps accelerate the healing from fractures or bruising of the bone. Ruta can help with muscle pulls and strains. It can help with injuries where the parts are twisted. Ruta is great for injuries to the thighs, and for knee and ankle injuries where the ligaments or tendons are pulled or torn. Ruta can help with back pain from overuse, herniated disks, overlifting injuries and weakness and lameness of the back.
Symphytum officinalis: I do not carry this remedy, but it bears mentioning here. This remedy is for wounds that penetrate to the periosteum and the bones. It also has an affinity for cartilage, tendons, ligaments and joints. This remedy can truly hasten the healing of broken bones and the surrounding tissue.
Please follow this link to learn more about Rhus toxicodendron.
Please follow this link to learn more about Symphytum.
Learn more about Arnica, Calendula, and Ruta creams.
Buy Arnica, Calendula, and Ruta creams.
***note*** This information is incomplete and not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please refer to a homeopathic materia medica or homeopathic repertory for a more complete list of remedies for any given symptom. Please see your homeopath or doctor for assistance if your symptoms persist.