We sell homeopathic creams for burns on our site. The best known homeopathic burn remedy, particularly for first degree burns, is Urtica urens, or the stinging nettle. Some of the other remedies we sell can also be helpful, but from my own experience the jar I would reach for to get prompt relief is Urtica urens cream.
Arnica is listed under burns and scalds by a a few sources, but it is not the first remedy I would think of for burns. It is very important, however, for addressing the affects of shock and trauma.
Calendula: A Dr. W.M. Gregory, says of this remedy, “Its use in burns and scalds will relieve pain more quickly and thoroughly than any other remedy ever discovered, and no burn dressed with it will ever develop a drop of pus.” Personally, I would add Urtica urens cream to the bandage to help minimize the pain of the burn and promote its healing. Calendula is such a great wound healer, and guards against infection, and prevents gangrenous sores from burns. Calendula can also help soothe sunburn.
Hypericum also has a field of action in burns, but from personal experience I have seen that Urtica urens is more effective in bringing prompt relief to superficial burns. I would recommend using it in addition to the Urtica urens for very painful burns, and burns to areas rich in nerves.
Ruta is not a remedy I would think of for burns, but it is listed by a few sources for burns. It is listed for a burning sensation in relation to the eye. Ruta is well known for ailments from overexertion, so the eye pain may be due to overuse of the eyes. The texts say, “The eyes, burn, ache, feel strained and fatigued as after reading too long.”
Urtica urens is the principal remedy in homeopathy for first degree or superficial burns. From numerous experiences with myself and others, I have seen how this cream will bring almost instantaneous relief from the pain and promote rapid healing of the burn. For more serious burns Urtica urens should be used alongside remedies such as Cantharis and Arsenicum album in potency. It can also help with old burns that have not healed well, and with sunburn.
Learn more about Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Ruta and Urtica urens cream.
Buy Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Ruta and Urtica urens cream.
***note*** This information is incomplete and not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please refer to a homeopathic materia medica or homeopathic repertory for a more complete list of remedies for any given symptom. Please see your homeopath or doctor for assistance if your symptoms persist.
Here is a link to a website with information about burns and how to treat them: