Arnica Montana Cream from First Aid Creams Company LLC
You may buy Arnica Montana Cream here. To see a slideshow and learn more about Arnica, please click here.
Arnica montana is the great homeopathic cream and remedy for shock, trauma, sore muscles, bruises, head injuries, ankle sprains and joint sprains. It also helps with hip and back injuries. Arnica cream should not be used on open wounds.
Quzani –
Several years ago I had a kidney remeovd. The standard treatment after surgery is morphine. I did not do well with morphine. I had many horrible side effects. I asked the nurses and doctors to take out the IV and take me off morphine. I took Arnica and went home the third day after surgery. While I will not say I was totally without pain, the pain was tolerable, I had no side effects from Arnica, and my head was clear. I have since taken Arnica for other symptoms, and it has worked well.